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Not the first but the second time..

I thought my first ever confinement this year will be the end. But I didn't see it coming. It was April when I had my after-a-long time of not having one. So I was too positive that no more injection and incarceration. I was wrong.

So I tried as much as possible not to get exposed again. But people around me are not very careful when it comes to their well being. I heard my Mother having a hard cough. It was awful. I told her that the next time she will have a cough she needs to have it check and ask for medication in the center. But she is such a hard-headed kind of person who does not listen.

It was June, one month before my Birthday. The first week of the month when I have a fever again. I was having a hard cough and since it was a hard cough, I have cramps manifested in my right rib cage. It was too painful that I couldn't breathe. It was a rainy afternoon. I was crying with pain and panicking. My Mother tried to comfort me but I said no, you are not helping me so I had my Brother helping me.

I know that there is something with the pain. And every time I cough it gets painful again and again. I called the boyfriend who just got home from his lecture and he was drunk but still went to the house to check on me. He asks for an ice to cover me because my fever won't subside. He baths me with ice until the fever was slightly gone. He said I should take a rest and if ever it happens again, I should be calm.

When he was gone, I was asleep. I prayed hard that this fever will go but in the morning, I was chilling so hard. I was crawling going out of my room. Nobody hears me shouting until I was in the living room. My fever shoots up and I was chilling so hard. So I decided to go to the ER without calling the boyfriend. I just need to call him when we are in the hospital.

At the hospital, I was in a wheelchair, my two Brothers was the one who attended to me. One if signing some papers and the one was the one who moves me out to the oxygen room. There I have to get oxygen. The nurse noticed I'm having a hard time breathing so he changes my tube and had a higher level of oxygen because it was dropping hard. The other Brother was calling the boyfriend about me. When the boyfriend arrived I was too weak. I still have a fever.

The Doctor called my name and check me. He said that I have a crackling sound in my right chest. That means I am not well again. They manage to have a series of test for me and their finale diagnostic is I have pneumonia. That means I need to be admitted once again. The boyfriend does not have another choice.

I was transferred to the Observation room for the further test. This time I cannot get away with oxygen, every time I remove the tube I will have a hard time breathing. I cannot even get to the comfort room without oxygen. I don't understand the feeling I am having and I'm too tired and all I did was sleeping. I don't even like to eat. The boyfriend keeps complaining that I should eat something but I could not even chew. I only need water. I was pretty sure that this time it's very crucial.

I spent 4 days in the observation room and transferred me to the Communicable ward since I have pneumonia. I don't like there. When I was in one of the rooms there, I wanted to cry because I am with people with communicable sickness and I don't like it there. When the boyfriend arrived, he brought an electric fan for me because the room was too hot. It was one of the oldest wards in that public hospital. I stayed there for a day and a half. I could not take it anymore. I'm with people having tuberculosis.

So what I did, I text my Nephrology Doctor to have me transferred to the new building. My Nephrology Doctor said that she will do what she can do. After 2 hours later, one Doctor came into the room asking about me. He did check me and said that he can still hear a crackling sound, but since I ask the greatest favor for my Nephrology Doctor. He said that I will be transferring him after a series of injection. I only stayed there for 3 days and was transferred to the new building where there is an AC.

I was thankful enough that I was transferred or else I will die there of complication. I was in the place where I was confined last April. Same procedure, they treat me with antibiotics. I still have a cough though and I can't sleep well. Sometimes I cry because of the bad feeling I have and I always have fever indicating that I still have an infection. The boyfriend sometimes could not stand me because I get so moody. I become so picky when it comes to food. That is why I lose weight.

During my dialysis, my sugar level is down that the nurse needed me to have that liquid to help me get my sugar up. It's been happening every time I have my dialysis. That's because I don't eat. My taste was gone missing. I only have liquids.

I can tell that it was one of those days that I feel I will not gonna last. I even told the boyfriend that I will never gonna have my Birthday. He said that I should be positive about everything and that I will be okay. And I just can't help myself not to think about it. I feel useless and unlively.

Then I thought of transferring to another place because I don't want to live with my Mother anymore who gave me so much stress. She is a pain in the ass for me. Always causes trouble to all of us. She is not even a good Mother to us plus we are having the same sickness and I believe she is the one who pulled me down. She wants me to die, I remember.

I ask my Father to visit me and cook me my favorite food. Father came to visit me and brought me one of my favorite food. It was the first time I ate a lot. It was good and I kind of miss it. We talk about me moving to the old place. He said that I needed to have those old tenants move away first. That means I need to wait. But I don't want to go home with my Mother. I ask the boyfriend that I need to rent a room somewhere where there is an easy access going to the center. I even ask for friends to lend me money for my moving out.

And since there is no vacant and the boyfriend does not approve of that. I end up having no choice but to live with my Mother. Though I hate the thought of it, I  really don't have a choice.

Father said that I need to wait for the old tenants to move out of the rented house. So that I can fill it in. While I was still in the hospital, I was planning a lot. Like, I will do some changes in the house, I will probably get a TV, have the house painted and all. I was too excited.

One fine day, the Doctor check me and said that he can't hear any crackling sound on my right chest. Which means I can go home and follow my home medication. Since the boyfriend is too eager to go home because he already compromises the work he wants us to go home. So he processed out the bill. That afternoon we went home.

I hate to say this but since I was confined for two times already. My physical body was changing as well. I lose weight and I am having a hard time walking. I need to recover from all the fats I lose from not eating a lot.

The next thing was worse...


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