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After a long time.

I know that the people in my house are having some kind of virus attack. But I didn't bother to wear a mask for my protection. I was too overconfident that I won't get any of those. So, I hang around in the living room to watch TV. Not knowing that my Mother will sneeze in front of me. I was terrified. Because as much as possible, I don't really like to get sick.

Moments later after that sneeze. I have a hard feeling of knowing what's going on with me. Suddenly a clear snot drop in my nose. And followed by a prickly throat. Then I started coughing. I thought it will just pass me by. I check my temperature and guess what, I have a fever. I tried to have a remedy for it by taking a medicine. I was too weak to even stand and watch movies like I always do. Then I fall asleep.

At exactly 5 in the morning, I woke up and feel cold. I was too hot and barely can't stand at all because I feel so heavy and I feel so weak. That virus that came from my Mother was too deadly, I can say. I tried to stand and walk my way to the living room where my siblings are sleeping. I woke up my youngest Brother and ask him to have me massage my right shoulder. It was too painful that I couldn't breathe.

I panic and can't stop crying. My youngest Brother said I was too hot so what he did, he keeps massaging my right shoulder with an oil. Then I took medicine for the fever. Somehow the pain was less painful and I can breathe a little. But I still have a fever. I fall asleep.

As much as possible I don't want to move around. I told my Mother not to come closer to me because it was her fault and I hate her for that. I'm still very hot. I thought I can be okay after taking medicines but it was not. The throbbing pain was still again and this time, I cannot breathe. I tried to be calm. So, I ask my siblings to call the boyfriend because I need to go to the ER right away. That time the boyfriend was out from his work.

He immediately went to our house and check me. I have a high fever. And I am having difficulty breathing. I told him that if in case this fever and the pain won't subside in the afternoon. I really need to go to the ER. I know the boyfriend does not want me to be admitted because it will compromise his work. I told her I will try to have some rest. He went home first to rest.

I tried to relax and calm myself. I know the boyfriend doesn't want me to get admitted. I know how hassle could it be in the Emergency room with lots of people in it. And the nurses are too few, they can't attend to others. While I was resting, my stomach want's to eat something and I tried to have a cracker and a coffee to warm it. Sadly. It did not help. I was vomiting. Then the pain started to show it's aggressiveness. This time it was too painful and I started to have a fever again.

I asked one of my Brother to call the boyfriend because calmness is not helping anymore. That I needed to go to the ER right away because I'm running out of breath. I disturbed the boyfriend's resting moment but he came to my aid. I was not able to walk because I'm having issues with breathing anymore. So siblings need to carry me. I'm so thankful with my siblings.

In the ER, we need to follow the order wherein we need to sign some papers for records. While the boyfriend was the one who fills up the papers, the nurse takes down my stats. Then they had me on oxygen because it's too less. I was placed in a wheelchair since no unfilled stretcher available for me. I feel a little better after having an oxygen but I can still feel the pain in my right shoulder every time I take a deep breath.

They run a series of labs for me, they took some blood from my foot and I also have an x-ray. The Doctor asked few questions about me since I could not answer the boyfriend is the one who told the Doctor about me. So we waited for hours to have the result. The Doctor is not sure so they had me on ultrasound for my lungs. There they found out that I have water in my right lungs and that they need me to confine for at least 5 days.

So there it is. I was brought to the Observation room where there is an oxygen in it because sadly I need oxygen. In the cubicle, I'm with a very sick old man and I hate to be picky but I think if I stay 24 hours with him, I will die. So as much as possible, I don't want to face the old man. I dread the day that I will be transferred to the ward upstairs. But I stayed in the Observation room for 3 days long and thank God the old sick man was transferred already.

At the 4th day rendering in the Observation room, I was able to transfer to a wardroom, and this time I was in the new building. It was cold so that means there is an AC working around the new building. I was grateful because I was not admitted to the old wardroom. The boyfriend was grateful too because it was clean and very new, and it's crowded with sick people.

Some of the patients there are with Dialysis already and some are for the treatment. At first, I was in a silent mode because I am trying to get some rest. I'm still with the oxygen. Then I met my Doctor who is under my Nephro Doctor. She introduced herself to us and told us the treatment we are going to apply based on my Nephros advice. I will be having a week of intensive treatment of antibiotics. And it's injectable, that means I will have a hep-lock in my foot. Great!

So 7 days of treatment. It will surely compromise the boyfriend's work. And he doesn't have a choice. The first antibiotic they gave me was not working for me because I develop some sort of reaction. My eyes get fluffy because it was too itchy and some parts of my body. So they needed to stop the medication and go for other medicines. The second time was we need to start all over again, so that means it's another 7 days once again. But they needed me to stop the reaction first before taking the new one. That means too that we will need to stay longer.

Sometimes one of my siblings will be the one to take care of me while the boyfriend as at work. Sometimes I will tend to myself alone. As long as I have food left for me. If I need to go to the comfort room, I tried to walk slowly and relax. Sometimes if I'm bored, I will just rest and sleep the whole afternoon. And sometimes too I will have a chit-chat with some patients.

I'm done with my 7 days medication of the said antibiotic and I no longer use of the oxygen, meaning I can breath okay but the thing is I still have a cough. The Doctor visits me and checks on me, she said that I don't have any liquids in my right lung that means I can go home. I told the boyfriend about it and waited for our bill to come. The Doctor came back and change her mind that my Nephro Doctor said that I can't go home yet. I feel the boyfriend's disappointed but insisted that we should go home and will do the remaining medication at home. So the Doctor processed our bill.

That night we go home. I was thankful that we didn't pay a lot for our bill because we get some help from a friend who works in the government. The boyfriend first bought the medicines I need for my home medication.

I despise my Mother so much that she gave me the virus I don't need.

And I hate her so much.


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