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How does it feel?

You've just unfriend by someone! woah! what a slap in my face. It was June of this year. I have known her as my boyfriend's ex. She was the one who asked for a friend request. I did not know her existence until such time my boyfriend told me things about her. Like their break up and how it was ended. I was amaze or excited perhaps would be the best thing to describe it. Because for some reason I am excited to know her more. We became friends for almost a year, exchanging comments and sort of things, even thoughts of wisdom and  life experiences. 

Until such time that I felt that awkward feeling towards her. She is not commenting anymore to all my wall post. Then she always ignored me already. I asked her one time by telling her I had a dream. I asked her if we are okay. She said we are okay. But then again that awkward feeling again. 

Then she blocked me after few days. Its a slap and an insult to me. I know I don't have right to get mad but down deep in me I feel so insulted and lied. I asked her nicely whats going on between her and me. No answer I am getting from her. I was frozen to the deep with no answers at all. I tried to confront her by sending her email. Then again she just ignored it

I know that we do have choices to begin in life. I keep people who I like the most. I keep her despite of my boyfriend disapproving her to be my friend. It just like fun knowing that someone is sneaking on his ex's girlfriend. I feel like she's up to something. I feel also that she is trying to outrun me like no way there's nothing to be worried about who's better or not. I am not looking for trouble. I am just being too friend not to ignore her. 

Well, I understand her who she wants to keep. But I still don't have answer why she did that. I am still open for possibilities that someday we will meet each other someday and we'll talk things over and over again. 

Maybe things happened just like that. 


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