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Perfect Time for Love..

Like almost every relationship. There's no guarantee that you will have your forever with someone. In every relationship, misunderstanding and hardships are part of it. It's either you have to survive it, take control of it or just let it go.

I've been through a lot of relationship. There was a time that I almost break someone's relationship because of my selfishness. I tried having two relationship at a time. I was happy while someone is aching. I also tried to have a relationship with a married guy. And every time I remeber those bad moments of my life. It will only disgust me.

When I finally got hold of my thoughts and have my heart talk to my mind. I decided to live my life of being a simple single girl having a fabulous job. I lure myself to the positive way of living a life without someone to think of, to bothered about or rather to love. Well at first it was easy, work-sleep-eat and eat-sleep-work. Until one time I woke up very empty. I felt the need to have someone to look after me and to love me.

Being with friends at work didn't help me. So I went on meeting different people to be called friends, and I was successful. I met new friends with having the same interest as me. We hang around and go to street to party. Then out of nowhere. One trusted friend knocked me off my feet.

I began to see him as a prospect of a good relationship partner. I see him as a good guy, very kind, funny and full of life. I see myself having this so called crush for him.

Having a friend crush is hard. I mean, you always see him around like almost everyday. The way you treat him is way different from just a plain friend. You  get jealous whenever you sees him with another girl. You always look for him. And if you don't see him you felt bad and your day will never be okay again not until you see him around, then colorful butterflies punch you in your stomach, somersaulting from side to side. And you are HAppy..

I was contented of having a secret feelings to a friend. Secret because no one knows about it except myself. Then one time, he knocked on my room and asked me if I could join him with few of our friends to drink. I was in my towel then when he saw me peeking. I saw his face turned into red. Which means he felt shy seeing me like that but my other thoughts battled with me and said he felt shy because we have the same feelings Or maybe he was surprised seeing me nothing but a towel covered my body. I was laughing and imagining when he said why I'm smiling. I went back to my sanity and oh my God I was still in front of him, and I said I'm sorry I can't because I'm too tired to go out. Then off he goes after saying his goodbye.

Since then I noticed a very big change between us. He will send me quotes, sometime will asked me of where I am and who's with me. And whenever he finds out I'm with someone, he will not going to talk to me. He will simply keep on ignoring me.

One time he was driving together with our friends when he asked me if I will going back to manila. And I said, yup I will to work maybe. I saw him very disappoint  and added that there's a lot of work here and why going back to manila, and he added maybe I am going to win my ex. I was in an awkward moment when friends started to bully me. I was a bit offended because of that. The rest of the 30 minutes drive I didn't bothered to talk to anyone or to him. When we got to the place. He grabbed my arm and asked me If I'm okay and said I am not okay of what you said. You don't know everything so shut your mouth! That was me talking to him. I left him and I felt he still in an odd situation because of what I said. The rest of the night of not talking to him was successful. And when I woke up, it was his first message I received stating he was sorry and he didn't mean to say that. He even asked me for a movie date which is what we are doing when we are in manila. And I said yes.

We are back of being good friends. Just like the old times and I was ignoring my feelings to him and asked God if he will give me my heart desire I promise I will not going to leave davao.

It was Christmas when I found my friends very happy drinking and celebrating the season. I celebrated christmas with my family back home and went to my boarding house to rest when I found them still drinking and singing. One friend asked me to join them which I am happilly accepted the offer. He was in front of me when I noticed him very sober. He was smiling at me and offered me a beer when I said no beer for me this christmas. I saw everyone was very happy and laughing. A friend said that I should be sitting next to him which I didn't bothered because I was busy texting someone. I almost broke my phone when he grabbed it and said why so busy and I found out he was sitting right next to me. I even smelled his chico like breath and his face is almost with mine. I started to get nervous and my heart keeps on beating very fast. Why is he like this I asked myself. The rest of the night partying with friends still not ended. When I saw that the sun will about to rise I told them I need to sleep. Then a friend said no more sleeping because we planned to go for a swim in samal. And since it was my vacation leave I agreed to joined them. I went home to get some foods and got so excited.

I thought that friends will coming butonly four of us was in our meeting place. My bestfriend and his boyfriend, me and him. No one came. So we decided we off to go even if we are only four. We went to Samal Island where beaches are so amazing. We choose Canibad since I never got a chance to visit it before. The place is somewhat a little paradise for me for its beauty. We have our tent and ate our dinner. I was too tired to watch the sun set and I slept.

We spent a night and a day in the island purely for fun and swimming. Me and my bestfriend talked about her relationship which got me bored. And when I was left alone to rest in the sand, he asked me if we can talk. I was shocked because I didn't notice him then I said okay what is that you are going to say with me. He paused for awhile and maybe he was thinking about what hell gonna say. Until he said, maybe next time. I was confused of what he was trying to say and I didn't bothered to push through that conversation. We went home that afternoon.

I was in my silent moment when I received a text from him. I almost burst into tears because of what I felt. He said that He likes me a lot. I was in my delightful moment when I received another text saying if its okay with me if he can court me. I'm on my knees when I replied to his text that if you really like me say it in person not through text. And he said, can we talk now. I felt my knees are trembling and my heart is about to explode because of the feeling. I was caught on guard.

I went outside and saw him waiting for me. He asked me of where is the nicest place to have a conversation. And I said I know a place and we went there.

We talked like we don't know each other. I still felt my knees are trembling. I got nervous because though the situation is never new to me, the feelings I have for him is way different from the past boyfriends I had. So he went on saying why he likes me. And since the feeling is mutual, I said yes and instantly we become lovers.

Friends still doesn't know of our relationship because we wanted to suprise them. But we are too late because they knew the real score already. They were very happy and wishes us to keep our relationship healthy. Which I really don't have idea of what they are trying to convey.

For the past 5 years of being together, I truly believed that God has always something for us. It may not be like a flash of light to make it happen, but at least it will come in due time. We only need to strenghten our patience to wait. Love is not in a hurry unless you are dying, but if you are still healthy LOVE and that so called perfect moment will come to you.

Until now I'm still thankful for having a friend and a relationship partner and a best boyfriend. God is truly amazing in choosing who we are going to spend our forever. So if you think you found your partner, trust the Lord God and don't you ever let go. Fight if you must. Because love is a lifetime battle. One who surrender lose.

-- Happy Reading!! ----


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