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See me now?

I apologize for leaving this blog in a comatose state. It's almost a year since I'm back, and if not for Bubblews who's making me wait for 60 days I would not have remembered the existence of this leisure lounge. 

All of a sudden I'm feeling the size of the void left by nearly a year of blogging. As I mentioned in my last blog, I was so busy with other things. Or I should say I am busy making money by writing. Oh Yeah! I am so proud that I am a writer in the other world where in fact I'm only a trying hard writer. Please no violent reaction this time. 

It would be so easy for me to write here if my laptop is here and unfortunately my baby needs to be fix. So I am making myself comfortable here in some peso peso internet. 

I promised you that I will tell you more about my crucial life. Well here is my Big Big Surprise!
I'm into Hemodialysis for 11 months now and been into treatment for twice a week that makes me weak and tired after the treatment. What worst is me being a PIG for always gets hungry after and before the session. I've been trying to make myself okay for it is not easy being in this stage. 

Crap! It's getting crowded here and noisy. I better need to stop this first before I get piss. 
Really don't like it here. Hopefully my baby (laptop) will be fix soon. 

Better get going now, okay. I will be back and I still don't know when. 

Bhem here.. 


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