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Showing posts from August, 2015

One words Day

I'm so inspired to write some poetry today. It's like words come right through me. But I'm not a good writer just like anybody. I'm just trying to be like one and will never stop writing as long as I live. Learning the basic is what I'm doing now. Inspired by those local and individual who loves to write. I have here two of my writings. I know its not constructed but that's poetry right? More misery in its words. I also discovered my new fave author though I haven't got a chance to read her book but read some of her passage and poems. And I'm looking forward to have her books. Anyway, here's my two piece of my written words. More writings from me.. Till then. 

One Bitch Day

11 days and I'm still stuck here. The room where I was lodging is so damn hot and it's like no thin air could possibly get in the way. Most of the time I spent  half of the day sitting outside my room, trying to take advantage of the cieling fan while a lot of people passing through me. Some will stop and asked me about my condition. Others will just annoy me. Today, I will have my session. Probably later this afternoon. I will also have another transfusion hopefully no more reaction because it's killing me like hell every time itchyness will start aborting me. Oh. I'm praying that it will gone. I think the problem about public hospital is the lack of having nurses, nurse aid and doctors. That is why a lot of patient dies without further check and care. I suggest they should hire a lot of nurse and doctors. And I don't even know if someone will read this. Well hopefully everything will end well today. Living you with this..

Thought About Being Single..

Have you found the one? I've been reading a lot of post about being single. Some of them are very sad about it while others find it a joke or call it misfortune. Some were happy about it and others are bitter.. Why am I blogging about it? When am not even single. Lol.. Just a thought. Being single is not a joke if your almost 30. Like who wants to stay single forever? Based on my own experiences. It's not easy being alone when you already used to have someone. And it's like when you see a couple passing infront of you, you felt that awkward feeling and you'll start asking yourself, why is she dating him when she's not even pretty? And why am I alone when I am pretty than her. I used to get this thought before and I know others are feeling the same way too.. Well I guess the factors that can affect our perception about being single is the thought of finding the right guy for you. Also when people afraid of having a commitment and end up heart broken. Or othe...