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Strangers, Fun Ride and Last Minute Summer Getaway..

I know, I know it's too late to blog about my summer, and as the saying goes : It's better be late than never.

It's not all the time you'll going to meet people with different kind of personalities. You don't know how to deal with them not until you finally spend a day with them. And being with strangers is somewhat exciting for me. It's like a puzzle of a game that you need to win in order for you to see the whole thing. It's also the same thing as finding their names without asking each one of them. You just have to fill in the mistery in order for you to survive and once you survived, you will get the freedom to know them by their names.

The meeting place with DMSI 
Davao Mio Soul-I Club.. 

As the time keep on clicking, you will developed a good connections from them. Then you will find your own self talking, laughing and exchanging thoughts with them without your knowing that you both have the same goal; to get to the place, spend your last minute summer getaway, and to meet new friends.

Fast forward...
I was invited by my boyfriend for a fun ride with his new Organization for Mio riders. At first I was hesitant because we don't have the accesories for the ride, like knee pad, elbow pad and a closed helmet. And since boyfriend is really excited and want's to go, he did all the plans as well as the money we need.

I packed my things and so excited
for the long ride.. 

Since it was my first fun ride though it's not really after century. I was so excited to woke up exactly 4:30 in the morning but later that night I already prepared all the things I need for the ride like clothes, undies, swim wear and of course my medicines in case I will not feeling well along the road. OF course for safety of my well being since I'm sick. Then waited for Ian to fetch me. I waited and Ian was 45 minutes late. He knocked and brought with him his things to be inserted in my bag because we are going to use one bag. Then off we go to our meeting place.

In the meeting place. They are many of them waited for others. I envied them because it's not their first time for a fun ride and so they have all the accesories for the ride. Their partners are all geared up and they look awesome with their get up while mine is just a borrowed knee pad and a closed helmet. I only knew few people and others are still strangers to me so I left in the far side of that gasoline station, trying to savor the aroma of the vendo coffee and feel the fresh air of the morning sun. While I was looking in the vast called sky, I thought of a beautiful picturesque of the beauty of nature. I really can't hide the excitement so I smile whole heartedly and prayed for a safe ride.

While waiting for others to arrive.. 
The Boyfriend's MIO. 

The president instructed us to get ready because the sun is up and we need to be in the area after lunch. So Ian helped me put our borrowed accesories. He put first the knee pad and the helmet after. When they checked that all of the riders are already present and geared up, we gathered around in the center and prayed for a safe ride. After praying, we are all ready for the Summer ride.

For an hour, we had our first stop in Panabo City. The martial checked who was left behind and we have 3 riders who are having trouble so we waited and while waiting we had our breakfast first at 8 am.. As much as possible I don't want to get bored because no one seemed to bothered talking to me and while I was checking my phone, Hannah sat beside me and asked me if I'm okay. Well Hannah is Ian's co-firefighter girlfriend. And I told her I'm okay and that I just need to save my energy for the long ride. She smiled and amused of what the guys are doing. And when the 3 riders are up and done with their breakfast. We were instructed again to gear up and be ready because we will have a simultaneous ride to our destination. I kinda felt nervous for Ian because it's his firstime and he is so excited as I am.

I really love to travel. It has always been one of my Bucket list. To travel, take my camera, take pictures for souvenirs and go to places I've never been. It would be so easy if only I have money.

Traveling with the one you trust your whole life is such a wonderful thing to kept thanking because you don't need to feel your life is in troubl and also you get to share it with him the whole experience and exchange thoughts of the adventure you are both in. I enjoyed the back ride and would love to take pictures of the road and the places we passed. But it would be very dangerous because I might fall so admiring with my own eyes is the only thing I can do while back riding.

At exactly 11 am, our second stop over is where we can take pictures of the so called sleeping dinosour. (check the photos). They called it Sleeping Dinosour because of its structure and it really does look like a dinosour lying in the vast blue water.  Me and the boyfriend had our selfie of the famous sleeping dino. AFter taking pictures, we are set to have our lunch in Mati City, our destination.

Our background is the famous
sleeping dinosour.. 

The Boyfriend took this.. 

The sun is hitting on me and I could barely see the road. And hoping that the boyfriend will not be affected because it will drain him. But it looks like the boyfriend is very ready. And at 1 in the afternoon, we stopped in the opening of the city and had our lunch. The food was somewhat disgusting though but I tried not to be pissed about it, instead pretending that the food is okay. Unlike Davao. And I miss davao already.

Then after lunch, the organizer asked us to stay calm and there must be a change of plans. He anounced that we are going to have our sleep over in one of his friend's rest house. I got disappointed about it because I wanted to stay in the beach. Looks like majority likes the idea and thus I don't have option but to submit myself to the plan. Go off we went to the place. It was creepy though and looks so solemn. There's no way for us to sleep in a room so we need to unpacked our tents and open it so that we can rest for awhile then we're off to DAHICAN BEACH ...

The rest house where we need to stay
for awhile before heading to 
Dahican Beach.. 

The boyfriend's killjoy selfie.. 
He does not want me to take
picture of himself.. 

And this is me, trying to keep sane and 
enjoy the place. 
I can't wait to see the white sand 
and the blue sea water.. 

Will take a break while checking my draft and I will post the part two of this blog.. 

Thanks for reading! 
(If there is any..)

Don't forget to love life to the fullest.. 



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