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Reasons to Live more by Bhem

I really love being alive.

I can eat my favorite icecream,watching fireworks,raising your hands on rollercoaster,getting good grades you work hard for,childhood memories,going on a long walks,singing your heart out,dancing forhours,climb the highest peak,walking barefoot in the sand,your first jump in pool in the summer,shopping and buying your new clothes,facebook creeping,waking up in the morning,being texted first,listening to a meaningful song or lyrics,go on for a family trips,long summer nights,listening to the sound of the rain,wearing my chuck shoes in the office,loving the color red,green and yellow,swimming,wonderful world,whispering,hugging the one you love,having a long walks with him,wanderlust,when you know someone likes you too,that one person you can talk to about everything,sleeping for more than 10 hours,knowing the 7 new wonders of nature,seeing a new life born,watching the 80's movies,wearing bracelets and anklets,being inked,piercings,fishtail braids,dreaming of going to Europe,iPhones,happy tears,guys with dimples,basketball,freshly baked chocolate cookies,him (ungas ko),forest and mountains,my parents and brothers,my friends,crying and daydreaming,feeling infinite,the magic of Disney,a good night's rest,snow,laughing until my face hurts,my best friend,french,making someone smile,my first kiss,my first love,reuniting with my bestfriend,waking up and feeling beautiful.seeing theworld,confidence,doodling,Nick Carter,the smell of coffee,asian culture,new clothes,clean rooms,Barbies,hiking,ice cold water,mountains,jewelry,moccasin,food,my boyfriend,walking half naked,laughing babies,the vampire diaries,Ian Somerhalder,random acts of kindness,making up,playing pretend,ggod naps and crazy hats,making something beautiful,cheering someone up,goofy dances,learning languages,when you know his thinking of you too,summer camp,good vibration,reggae music,sharing secrets,youtube,MTV,building sand castles,jokes,the Harry Potter book and Twilight books,the smile of you've someone makes you happy,tea,bon fire night,life,mythology,hand written letters,my Birthday,presents and flowers,late night talks when someone drives you home,dogs,cold pillows at night,love letters,poems from someone dear to you,my wedding soon,knowledge and goals,the smells of old books,photoshop and picnik,2ne1,online friends,my soulmate if I have one,anime,cup cakes,bucketlist,happy moments,my father,when your heart flutters,group hugs,massages,wishing on a wishing star,when you can't stop laughing,sleeping late,fireflies,bubbles,that look in his eyes,lipstick.singing in the bathroom,talking to people who understands,feeling pretty,prom,my first kiss,hurts,youth group,japan,paris,going to the circus,angels,God,ballet,magic,the wind that blows my hair,waking up right next to your love,success,graduating,sleepovers,coldplay,watching york city,creativity,inspiring others,being in love,Merry christmas,proving them wrong,sex,twins,comedy,being forgiven,visiting other countries,waves,sorority sisters,walks on beach,fanfictions,finales,wedding cakes,good night texts,making new friends,dimples,sunny mornings,poetry,night outs,hot chocolates,babies,second chances,the colors of the sky,perfume,smiling at others,water,spring wind,being myself,inside jokes,vacations,harry potter,listening to my favorite song on repeat,apple products.children,fantasy,the city,colors,my voice when I talk through fan,creating,living at my dreams,pursuit of knowledge,discovery,fashion,the ocean,being held..

So enjoy life as what will offer you. Live life to the fullest and don't dare to give thanks to the Father all mighty..


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